Untitled Document
Balfour-deklarationen, 1917
FNs generalforsamlings
resolution 181,
resolution 42,
resolution 194,
resolution 242,
resolution 338,
resolution 1701,
I - Principerklæring,
II -
Midlertidig aftale,
Wye River Memorandum,
Sharm el
Sheikh Memorandum,
Det arabiske
for fred
Wye River-memorandummet
Wye River-memorandummet (The Wye River Memorandum)
beskriver planlagte israelske tilbagetrækninger
fra Vestbredden til gengæld for en palæstinensisk
indsats i forhold til at forhindre terrorhandlinger
imod israelere, som allerede stipuleret i Oslo
II-aftalen fra 1994.
Memorandummet blev underskrevet af Israels premierminister,
Benyamin Netanyahu, og den palæstinensiske leder,
Yassir Arafat, i Washington d. 23. oktober 1998.
Nedenfor følger dokumentets fulde tekst (med
vedhæftet tidsplan nederst).
The Wye River
October 23, 1998
The following are steps to facilitate implementation
of the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip
of September 28, 1995 (the "Interim Agreement")
and other related agreements including the Note for
the Record of January 17, 1997 (hereinafter referred
to as "the prior agreements") so that the
Israeli and Palestinian sides can more effectively carry
out their reciprocal responsibilities, including those
relating to further redeployments and security respectively.
These steps are to be carried out in a parallel phased
approach in accordance with this Memorandum and the
attached time line. They are subject to the relevant
terms and conditions of the prior agreements and do
not supersede their other requirements.
A. Phase One and Two Further Redeployments
- Pursuant to the Interim Agreement and subsequent
agreements, the Israeli side's implementation of the
first and second F.R.D. will consist of the transfer
to the Palestinian side of 13% from Area C as follows:
1% to Area (A)
12% to Area (B)
The Palestinian side has informed that it will allocate
an area/areas amounting to 3% from the above Area
(B) to be designated as Green Areas and/or Nature
Reserves. The Palestinian side has further informed
that they will act according to the established scientific
standards, and that therefore there will be no changes
in the status of these areas, without prejudice to
the rights of the existing inhabitants in these areas
including Bedouins; while these standards do not allow
new construction in these areas, existing roads and
buildings may be maintained.
The Israeli side will retain in these Green Areas/Nature
Reserves the overriding security responsibility for
the purpose of protecting Israelis and confronting
the threat of terrorism. Activities and movements
of the Palestinian Police forces may be carried out
after coordination and confirmation; the Israeli side
will respond to such requests expeditiously.
- As part of the foregoing implementation of the first
and second F.R.D., 14.2% from Area (B) will become
Area (A).
B. Third Phase of Further Redeployments
With regard to the terms of the Interim Agreement and
of Secretary Christopher's letters to the two sides
of January 17, 1997 relating to the further redeployment
process, there will be a committee to address this question.
The United States will be briefed regularly.
In the provisions on security arrangements of the Interim
Agreement, the Palestinian side agreed to take all measures
necessary in order to prevent acts of terrorism, crime
and hostilities directed against the Israeli side, against
individuals falling under the Israeli side's authority
and against their property, just as the Israeli side
agreed to take all measures necessary in order to prevent
acts of terrorism, crime and hostilities directed against
the Palestinian side, against individuals falling under
the Palestinian side's authority and against their property.
The two sides also agreed to take legal measures against
offenders within their jurisdiction and to prevent incitement
against each other by any organizations, groups or individuals
within their jurisdiction.
Both sides recognize that it is in their vital interests
to combat terrorism and fight violence in accordance
with Annex I of the Interim Agreement and the Note for
the Record. They also recognize that the struggle against
terror and violence must be comprehensive in that it
deals with terrorists, the terror support structure,
and the environment conducive to the support of terror.
It must be continuous and constant over a long-term,
in that there can be no pauses in the work against terrorists
and their structure. It must be cooperative in that
no effort can be fully effective without Israeli-Palestinian
cooperation and the continuous exchange of information,
concepts, and actions.
Pursuant to the prior agreements, the Palestinian side's
implementation of its responsibilities for security,
security cooperation, and other issues will be as detailed
below during the time periods specified in the attached
time line:
A. Security Actions
- Outlawing and Combating Terrorist Organizations
- The Palestinian side will make known its policy
of zero tolerance for terror and violence against
both sides.
- A work plan developed by the Palestinian side
will be shared with the U.S. and thereafter implementation
will begin immediately to ensure the systematic
and effective combat of terrorist organizations
and their infrastructure.
- In addition to the bilateral Israeli-Palestinian
security cooperation, a U.S.-Palestinian committee
will meet biweekly to review the steps being taken
to eliminate terrorist cells and the support structure
that plans, finances, supplies and abets terror.
In these meetings, the Palestinian side will inform
the U.S. fully of the actions it has taken to
outlaw all organizations (or wings of organizations,
as appropriate) of a military, terrorist or violent
character and their support structure and to prevent
them from operating in areas under its jurisdiction.
- The Palestinian side will apprehend the specific
individuals suspected of perpetrating acts of
violence and terror for the purpose of further
investigation, and prosecution and punishment
of all persons involved in acts of violence and
- A U.S.-Palestinian committee will meet to review
and evaluate information pertinent to the decisions
on prosecution, punishment or other legal measures
which affect the status of individuals suspected
of abetting or perpetrating acts of violence and
- Prohibiting Illegal Weapons
- The Palestinian side will ensure an effective
legal framework is in place to criminalize, in
conformity with the prior agreements, any importation,
manufacturing or unlicensed sale, acquisition
or possession of firearms, ammunition or weapons
in areas under Palestinian jurisdiction.
- In addition, the Palestinian side will establish
and vigorously and continuously implement a systematic
program for the collection and appropriate handling
of all such illegal items in accordance with the
prior agreements. The U.S. has agreed to assist
in carrying out this program.
- A U.S.-Palestinian-Israeli committee will be
established to assist and enhance cooperation
in preventing the smuggling or other unauthorized
introduction of weapons or explosive materials
into areas under Palestinian jurisdiction.
- Preventing Incitement
- Drawing on relevant international practice and
pursuant to Article XXII (1) of the Interim Agreement
and the Note for the Record, the Palestinian side
will issue a decree prohibiting all forms of incitement
to violence or terror, and establishing mechanisms
for acting systematically against all expressions
or threats of violence or terror. This decree
will be comparable to the existing Israeli legislation
which deals with the same subject.
- A U.S.-Palestinian-Israeli committee will meet
on a regular basis to monitor cases of possible
incitement to violence or terror and to make recommendations
and reports on how to prevent such incitement.
The Israeli, Palestinian and U.S. sides will each
appoint a media specialist, a law enforcement
representative, an educational specialist and
a current or former elected official to the committee.
B. Security Cooperation
The two sides agree that their security cooperation
will be based on a spirit of partnership and will include,
among other things, the following steps:
- Bilateral Cooperation
There will be full bilateral security cooperation
between the two sides which will be continuous, intensive
and comprehensive.
- Forensic Cooperation
There will be an exchange of forensic expertise, training,
and other assistance.
- Trilateral Committee
In addition to the bilateral Israeli-Palestinian security
cooperation, a high-ranking U.S.-Palestinian-Israeli
committee will meet as required and not less than
biweekly to assess current threats, deal with any
impediments to effective security cooperation and
coordination and address the steps being taken to
combat terror and terrorist organizations. The committee
will also serve as a forum to address the issue of
external support for terror. In these meetings, the
Palestinian side will fully inform the members of
the committee of the results of its investigations
concerning terrorist suspects already in custody and
the participants will exchange additional relevant
information The committee will report regularly to
the leaders of the two sides on the status of cooperation,
the results of the meetings and its recommendations.
C. Other Issues
- Palestinian Police Force
- The Palestinian side will provide a list of
its policemen to the Israeli side in conformity
with the prior agreements.
- Should the Palestinian side request technical
assistance, the U.S. has indicated its willingness
to help meet these needs in cooperation with other
- The Monitoring and Steering Committee will,
as part of its functions, monitor the implementation
of this provision and brief the U.S.
- PLO Charter
The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation
Organization and the Palestinian Central Council will
reaffirm the letter of 22 January 1998 from PLO Chairman
Yasir Arafat to President Clinton concerning the nullification
of the Palestinian National Charter provisions that
are inconsistent with the letters exchanged between
the PLO and the Government of Israel on 9/10 September
1993. PLO Chairman Arafat, the Speaker of the Palestine
National Council, and the Speaker of the Palestinian
Council will invite the members of the PNC, as well
as the members of the Central Council, the Council,
and the Palestinian Heads of Ministries to a meeting
to be addressed by President Clinton to reaffirm their
support for the peace process and the aforementioned
decisions of the Executive Committee and the Central
- Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Among other forms of legal assistance in criminal
matters, the requests for arrest and transfer of suspects
and defendants pursuant to Article II (7) of Annex
IV of the Interim Agreement will be submitted (or
resubmitted) through the mechanism of the Joint Israeli-Palestinian
Legal Committee and will be responded to in conformity
with Article II (7) (f) of Annex IV of the Interim
Agreement within the twelve week period. Requests
submitted after the eighth week will be responded
to in conformity with Article II (7) (f) within four
weeks of their submission. The U.S. has been requested
by the sides to report on a regular basis on the steps
being taken to respond to the above requests.
- Human Rights and the Rule of Law
Pursuant to Article XI (1) of Annex I of the Interim
Agreement, and without derogating from the above,
the Palestinian Police will exercise powers and responsibilities
to implement this Memorandum with due regard to internationally
accepted norms of human rights and the rule of law,
and will be guided by the need to protect the public,
respect human dignity, and avoid harassment.
- The Israeli and Palestinian sides reaffirm their
commitment to enhancing their relationship and agree
on the need actively to promote economic development
in the West Bank and Gaza. In this regard, the parties
agree to continue or to reactivate all standing committees
established by the Interim Agreement, including the
Monitoring and Steering Committee, the Joint Economic
Committee (JEC), the Civil Affairs Committee (CAC),
the Legal Committee, and the Standing Cooperation
- The Israeli and Palestinian sides have agreed on
arrangements which will permit the timely opening
of the Gaza Industrial Estate. They also have concluded
a "Protocol Regarding the Establishment and Operation
of the International Airport in the Gaza Strip During
the Interim Period."
- Both sides will renew negotiations on Safe Passage
immediately. As regards the southern route, the sides
will make best efforts to conclude the agreement within
a week of the entry into force of this Memorandum.
Operation of the southern route will start as soon
as possible thereafter. As regards the northern route,
negotiations will continue with the goal of reaching
agreement as soon as possible. Implementation will
take place expeditiously thereafter.
- The Israeli and Palestinian sides acknowledge the
great importance of the Port of Gaza for the development
of the Palestinian economy, and the expansion of Palestinian
trade. They commit themselves to proceeding without
delay to conclude an agreement to allow the construction
and operation of the port in accordance with the prior
agreements. The Israeli-Palestinian Committee will
reactivate its work immediately with a goal of concluding
the protocol within sixty days, which will allow commencement
of the construction of the port.
- The two sides recognize that unresolved legal issues
adversely affect the relationship between the two
peoples. They therefore will accelerate efforts through
the Legal Committee to address outstanding legal issues
and to implement solutions to these issues in the
shortest possible period. The Palestinian side will
provide to the Israeli side copies of all of its laws
in effect.
- The Israeli and Palestinian sides also will launch
a strategic economic dialogue to enhance their economic
relationship. They will establish within the framework
of the JEC an Ad Hoc Committee for this purpose. The
committee will review the following four issues: (1)
Israeli purchase taxes; (2) cooperation in combating
vehicle theft; (3) dealing with unpaid Palestinian
debts; and (4) the impact of Israeli standards as
barriers to trade and the expansion of the A1 and
A2 lists. The committee will submit an interim report
within three weeks of the entry into force of this
Memorandum, and within six weeks will submit its conclusions
and recommendations to be implemented.
- The two sides agree on the importance of continued
international donor assistance to facilitate implementation
by both sides of agreements reached. They also recognize
the need for enhanced donor support for economic development
in the West Bank and Gaza. They agree to jointly approach
the donor community to organize a Ministerial Conference
before the end of 1998 to seek pledges for enhanced
levels of assistance.
The two sides will immediately resume permanent status
negotiations on an accelerated basis and will make a
determined effort to achieve the mutual goal of reaching
an agreement by May 4, 1999. The negotiations will be
continuous and without interruption. The U.S. has expressed
its willingness to facilitate these negotiations.
Recognizing the necessity to create a positive environment
for the negotiations, neither side shall initiate or
take any step that will change the status of the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip in accordance with the Interim
This Memorandum will enter into force ten days from
the date of signature.
Done at Washington, D.C. this 23d day of October 1998.
For the Government of the State of Israel:
Benjamin Netanyahu
For the PLO:
Yassir Arafat
Witnessed by:
William J. Clinton
The United States of America
Note: Parenthetical references below are to paragraphs
in "The Wye River Memorandum" to which this
time line is an integral attachment. Topics not included
in the time line follow the schedule provided for in
the text of the Memorandum.
1. Upon Entry into Force of the Memorandum:
- Third further redeployment committee starts (I (B))
- Palestinian security work plan shared with the U.S. (II (A) (1) (b))
- Full bilateral security cooperation (II (B) (1) )
- Trilateral security cooperation committee starts (II (B) (3))
- Interim committees resume and continue; Ad Hoc Economic Committee starts (III)
- Accelerated permanent status negotiations start (IV)
2. Entry into Force - Week 2:
- Security work plan implementation begins (II (A) (1) (b)); (II (A) (1) (c)) committee starts
- Illegal weapons framework in place (II (A) (2) (a)); Palestinian implementation report (II (A) (2) (b))
- Anti-incitement committee starts (II (A) (3) (b)); decree issued (II (A) (3) (a))
- PLO Executive Committee reaffirms Charter letter (II (C) (2))
- Stage 1 of F.R.D. implementation: 2% C to B, 7.1% B to A. Israeli officials acquaint their Palestinian counterparts as required with areas; F.R.D. carried out; report on F.R.D. implementation (I(A))
3. Week 2-6:
- Palestinian Central Council reaffirms Charter letter (weeks two to four) (II (C) (2))
- PNC and other PLO organizations reaffirm Charter letter (weeks four to six) (II (C) (2))
- Establishment of weapons collection program (II (A) (2) (b)) and collection stage (II (A) (2) (c)); committee starts and reports on activities.
- Anti-incitement committee report (II (A) (3) (b))
- Ad Hoc Economic Committee: interim report at week three; final report at week six (III)
- Policemen list (II (C) (1) (a)); Monitoring and Steering Committee review starts (II (C) (1) (c)
- Stage 2 of F.R.D. implementation: 5% C to B. Israeli officials acquaint their Palestinian counterparts as required with areas; F.R.D. carried out; report on F.R.D. implementation (I (A))
4. Week 6-12:
- Weapons collection stage II (A) (2) (b); II (A) (2) (c) committee report on its activities.
- Anti-incitement committee report (II (A) (3) (b))
- Monitoring and Steering Committee briefs U.S. on policemen list (II (C) (1) (c))
- Stage 3 of F.R.D. implementation: 5% C to B, 1% C to A, 7.1% B to A. Israeli officials acquaint Palestinian counterparts as required with areas; F.R.D. carried out; report on F.R.D. implementation (I (A))
5. After Week 12:
Activities described in the Memorandum continue as appropriate and if necessary, including:
- Trilateral security cooperation committee (II (B)(3))
- (II (A) (1) (c)) committee
- (II (A) (1) (e)) committee
- Anti-incitement committee (II (A) (3) (b))
- Third Phase F.R.D. Committee (I (B))
- Interim Committees (III)
- Accelerated permanent status negotiations (IV)
Untitled Document